Do-it-yourself beautiful garden beds in the country: photo, device and options
Everyone understands what the yield of plants depends on: the amount of embankment, the correct organization of fertilizers and the quality of the soil. To make it pleasant to take care of the plants, users create beautiful beds in the country with their own hands. Photos of interesting compositions and design solutions can be found in today's publication. In addition, the editorial staff will tell you about some of the features of the site organization that many do not know about.
The content of the article
- 1 The location of the beds in the summer cottage: useful recommendations
- 2 Various options for arranging beds in a summer cottage
- 2.1 How to make do-it-yourself garden beds in the country
- 2.2 DIY options for making tall beds in the country: photos and descriptions
- 2.3 How to make a warm bed: the basics and nuances
- 2.4 How to properly make beds with drainage in the garden
- 2.5 Features of creating beds in the greenhouse with your own hands
- 3 How to make borders for beds from different materials
- 4 Features of beds for different plants
The location of the beds in the summer cottage: useful recommendations
If you are thinking about planting seeds or creating seedlings, you need to choose the right place and understand how to arrange the beds on the site. The quality of the crop and the health of the vegetation will depend on this. Our grandmothers also argued that all seats should be located strictly in one position: from north to south.
This method provides for a uniform supply of heat and light to future plants. In addition, in such an arrangement, the likelihood of fungus formation on the leaves and fruits is minimized.
Such a design is permissible only if the site is perfectly flat and there are no slopes on it.Such an area will not provoke stagnation of moisture after precipitation falls, so the roots of plants will not rot.
The beds can be arranged in various shapes (rectangles, triangles and polygons). However, the correct organization of the aisle is important here. The convenience of caring for plants depends on this.
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Various options for arranging beds in a summer cottage
If you decide to engage in gardening, then you must understand what responsibility lies on your shoulders. Before you start planting, you need to create high-quality, and most importantly, correct beds. There are several easy-to-implement options.
How to make do-it-yourself garden beds in the country
With this design option, it is possible to comfortably and neatly place all the seedlings. In this way, you can organize an individual place for each type of plant.
DIY options for making tall beds in the country: photos and descriptions
They try to place high beds in the country only if the site is too swampy or located in a lowland. They try to equip such structures with wooden material. Plastic is considered too hot for this purpose. A bed with a brick frame is also considered convenient. Consider a photo how you can do high beds.
How to make a warm bed: the basics and nuances
They try to make warm beds with their own hands in the fall. The source of heat is organic matter, which, when decaying, releases special energy. It is she who will be useful for vegetation.
Such instances are created in a 50 cm recess. You can create them directly in the ground or pre-build a box of the appropriate size. The basis of such a bed is compost. Its installation thickness is at least 15 cm.
With this approach, summer residents can plant plants much earlier. The presence of peat enhances the effect and the plants become resistant to replanting.
On a note! Experts believe that with the use of warm beds it is possible to achieve high quality seedlings.
How to properly make beds with drainage in the garden
Any cultivated plants need good gas exchange and high-quality removal of excess moisture. In order for these processes to occur properly, they equip the beds with drainage.
Having chosen a site for installation, a pit is dug up to a depth of 45 cm. A layer of sand (15 cm) is laid in it, organic fertilizers are poured on top, after which fertile soil is laid out. Such a foundation will help to quickly drain water in low-lying areas after precipitation, keeping the root system intact.
Features of creating beds in the greenhouse with your own hands
There are several options for materials from which you can make beds in a greenhouse. First of all, it is a timber formwork. It is allowed to use a stone or bricks... Each of the options is good in its own way.
In this case, the row spacing can be laid out with fine crushed stone, screenings or sand. This will provide a comfortable approach to plants, get rid of excess dirt and weeds.
How to make borders for beds from different materials
When the question arises of how to fence the beds, many immediately go in search of improvised material. Such curbs can really be built from anything. An important condition is that they must withstand the pressure of wet soil. It should also be borne in mind that the width of the beds in the garden should be at least half a meter from the inner edge of the curb.
Plastic and metal structures
Do-it-yourself garden fences should look aesthetically pleasing. This will create a certain emphasis on landscape of the site... Therefore, the organization of these structures should be approached carefully. For example, plastic is a smart modern solution. Such material is absolutely harmless, it is not spoiled by pests, it is considered budgetary. It should be chosen in light shades, since this color is practically not warmed up by the sun's rays.
Metal structures are convenient, but not suitable for well-lit and dry areas. The material heats up quickly, the root system of plants lends itself to serious overheating. Rust and corrosion appear over time. This negatively affects the soil composition.
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Interesting beds of boards with your own hands: photos of original copies
Borders for wood beds are a good and harmless option. For manufacturing, you can apply a variety of ideas. Such frames are prepared by twisting into frames using self-tapping screws... We bring to your attention a photo of unusual options for how to make a bed of boards with your own hands.
In the future, it is important to know how to treat the boards for the beds so that they do not interfere with the growth of plants and do not succumb to the influence of moisture.
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What do-it-yourself slate beds do: photo examples
Surely there are small fragments of slate in every home. They make great cheap fencing for vegetable beds. If you also paint them, then they will stand out against the general background of the garden.
Brick and concrete beds
Beautiful tall beds can be made from a variety of materials. Concrete and brick are considered the most acceptable. They are much easier to work with and do not require any special care. Often such designs are used for planting decor.
On a note! Garden plants, planted in specially designated fenced areas, can be decorated with lawn grass around. This is a very suitable option for creating paths between the rows.
Do-it-yourself garden beds in the country: photos of finished models
A beautifully decorated vegetable garden with high crop yields is entirely the merit of the owner. The more interesting and correct the beds are created, the better the plants feel. Together with the benefit for them, it is necessary to think about the design of the site itself. We bring to your attention some ideas in the photo.
Features of beds for different plants
If desired, beautiful arrange a house plot and for the season to get rid of the growth of weeds, you need to create the most favorable conditions for the growth of crops. Each type of plant has its own characteristics.
How to make beds with flowers in the country with your own hands: video
Usually, the most unusual flower bed designs are used for flowering ornamental plants. One of these is discussed in detail in the video. With this instruction, you can easily create one.
Do-it-yourself convenient strawberry beds: photo options
Typically, strawberries or strawberries are grown in a well-lit area. It is desirable that a uniform amount of sunlight falls on each bush of the berry.
What is the peculiarity of cabbage beds
If you plan to equip a separate compartment for growing cabbage, then you should choose for it a place where onions or any legumes previously grew. These areas should be dense, the absence of sandy layers is important, since a large amount of moisture will leave through them. Because of this, vegetables begin to “starve”.
If it is impossible to choose another site, a trench is dug under the cabbage bed and plant waste 7-10 cm high is spread on its bottom. Then, fertile soil is poured.
Arrangement of beds for cucumbers and tomatoes
Traditional varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers are not demanding to care for. They only need careful and correct watering. As for the beds, it is allowed to grow them together. Watch a video on how experienced gardeners do it.
Garden beds for different types of salad
A healthy salad bed is something out of the ordinary. It is known that these crops require constant care. Therefore, the following conditions must be observed for their cultivation.
- It is advisable to plant early-ripening varieties in the same compartment with late-ripening varieties.
- It is necessary to water with warm water from a watering can, directing its spout into the root of the plant.
- It is necessary to use narrow beds so that the weeds have no chance to settle in the soil.
- Sowing salads is better mixed with sand. This will make it possible to evenly distribute the plants.
- The beds can be made of plastic pots and installed on windows. Also, the sites can be stationary.
Dear readers, if you have any suggestions or additions on the topic of how to make the garden beds correctly, write your ideas in the comments under the article. We will gladly study your idea. Perhaps it will be the topic of a future publication.